A man who sacrificed his life for his vision of a better Russia and his love for the Russian people, was taken from us on February 16, 2024 by the hands of a dictator who is attempting to disrupt world peace and annihilate democracy. He was 47 years old.

What Alexei Navalny means to me, is the unbridled bravery and courage to embody higher principles and truth, speak out in an effort to lead others out of tyranny, defy evil forces in control of his country, and do so while withstanding torture, poisoning, imprisonment, and separation from his beloved family, ultimately losing his life because of it.

What Alexei Navalny also means to me is the demonstration of a man who loves his wife and family in a vivid and compelling manner of physical and spiritual love and devotion. The Navalny family is a tribe of warriors, and I have no doubt they will continue to lead on his behalf, just as his wife, Yulia, chose to speak at a gathering of world leaders in Munich hours after receiving the news of his death.

To witness this global loss in the face of my own country’s political cowardice in the Republican party that is choosing its own dictator at the expense of the American people, turns an egregious loss into epic tragedy as we watch Ukraine lose ground in its own sacrifice and battle for democracy because of the Republican’s utter lack of backbone and principle to pass a bill offering time-sensitive, critically needed aid.

I choose Navalny. I choose to honor his life and sacrifice, and pray for his family in their grief, as well as those who loved him and worked tirelessly on behalf of what he stood for. I choose Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukraine people, who are exemplifying the same courage, leadership, and sacrifice for the world. I choose President Biden, who relentlessly serves, leads, and never gives up for the United States and its people, despite constant criticism and opposition from narcissistic and weak government representatives in it for their own gain. I choose democracy, and stand with all who are fighting for it.

I know we are in the midst of great transformation, but in moments like this….and all the moments of death occurring in the process, it is truly devastating to watch the battle of resistance playing out. It is also devastating to witness the tsunami waves of lies overtaking sanity and reason.

I write about Alexei Navalny to process my own grief, and to speak his name. Navalny. It is a name that will go on in greatness, and live forever in my heart and tears as it lives in the hearts of millions. Imagine being a Russian citizen right now, subject to imprisonment if you dare to express your support, love and grief for his death. The country I live in allows the nonviolent freedom of expression without repercussion…. for now. But we are most certainly on the brink of potentially losing that freedom, among other freedoms already lost.

I pray the light and spirit of Alexei Navalny exponentially expands the light of higher consciousness on this planet to create victory over the dulled minds and blackened hearts of those who lead in corruptness and greed, and those who follow them. I pray for his soul’s journey and the family we are with all who support him, that Navalny said in his own words, “are stronger than we know”. May we never take for granted the freedoms Navalny gave his life for and may we have his courage to embody, lead, and always speak out for them.

If you have not seen the Oscar winning documentary “Navalny”, CNN is re-playing it on 2/17/24 and it is worth finding and viewing wherever you can access it.

(Photos from CNN.)

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Them Against Us

It is the longest-held conditioned belief and passionately perpetuated ideology in humanity: separatism. It may have served us well when we existed in pure survival mode, but having evolved to the current times as a species, it is now destroying us.

Along with survival needs and instincts, this concept was engrained through many religions, most teaching that we are separate from God, born as sinners or less than, and only through the seeking of an intermediary or devout practice can we be worthy and forgiven.

Even as a child, I knew I didn’t need a middleman. I knew I was one with my Source and made of that which created me. I remember clearly a conversation with my childhood friend, Judy, on the sidewalks of Milwaukee, Wisconsin when we first shockingly realized we would eventually die. We were around ten years old and when she told me what her religion described as purgatory, I remember the fear we felt. After some silence, I recall saying “I think what happens is what we believe will happen”. It was my way of being open to everyone having varying beliefs.

On another front, many have been taught that we are separate from the very planet that gives us what we need to exist and have the right to falsely claim dominion over Her. Rather than respect and care for Mother Earth as she cares for us, we recklessly and greedily take of her gifts and create life-threatening imbalance. Given the extraordinary experience of access to Native American elders and teachers of their practices, I was taught what having respect truly means. I learned to only pick what I needed and to allow the younger plants the chance to flourish. I learned more about our interconnectedness with all forms of life and to respect our differences rather than judge or fear them.

After going with a friend to hike in Topanga Canyon one day, and realizing our lingering to view the sunset meant we would be walking down the canyon in the dark, I fearfully followed her lead without question. I soon felt compelled to do it again, as if Mother Earth was calling me, but I went alone, starting at sunset or later. I used to call myself “Runs in Fear” because in the beginning, that’s what I did. But after a decade of hiking on my own this way, facing everything from tarantulas to mountain lions to lost pigs (and people), I learned the baseless nature of my fears and expectancies that something different from me that I didn’t understand, would harm or kill me.

Through the Native American teachings I was given, I put an offering down at the start of the trail, asking Mother Earth for permission to enter there, that I would be of no harm to any life and no harm would come to me. Halfway up the mountain, I stopped to drum and sing my prayers, then silently watch, reflect, and listen. And at the end of the trail I placed another offering, one of gratitude. From those displays of respect and awareness of my connection to everything, I received profound and immeasurable gifts, including trust. I developed the ability to perceive subtle communications that kept me safe and connected with the life around me. It created a foundation block that helped me extend the same practice of respect and awareness to people, in all our differences.

We are in a paradigm shift of consciousness on this planet, and what is dying is reaching from the bowels of its origin to grasp tightly and fight relentlessly for its life. Within the extremes playing out, death is prevalent in all its forms, inner and outer, and I don’t know anyone who hasn’t experienced a close encounter. History is opening its chapters as wars rage, and we re-read our stories of separatism that have perpetuated hatred for eons of time.

So, what are we to do and how can we manage? On the personal front, we can go further every day to embody the consciousness of our oneness. We can stop comparing, forgive, reach out beyond the models we were taught and demonstrate respectful, kind, and loving connection with others everywhere we are. We can stand up for those who are abused, create joyful experiences of our oneness, dismantle our judgments and refuse their interference in our perceptions and interactions.

In the presence of my father’s judgment that lead to him disowning me, I once asked, “What about loving your children unconditionally?” His sarcastic reply was “Well. that’s idealistic isn’t it?”. I know the pain of feeling separate. Most of us do. Nothing good comes of it and, though I grew strong through adversity, it denied me much and has taken a lifetime to overcome. Look at the suffering it’s creating globally.

Life has forcefully changed and we are meant to change with it. It’s not about going back or trying to get back to who we were pre-covid. We need to be who we are as we were created to be: one with Source, co-creators, infinite potential connected to infinite resource, given an infinite capacity to love. And we must create beyond the old paradigms of greed, separation, and patriarchal domination.

I know it’s overwhelming and exhausting. I re-set every day. We are all going through grief of some sort, fear, loss, and pain, and it can easily dim our hope and resolve, let alone confuse us. Ask within. Ask your heart and soul how to evolve and transform, ask your Source (however you believe) for the guidance and help you need. Ask Mother Earth. Listen and follow your intuition, cultivate your intentions, and grow your empathy, kindness, and compassion.

Be willing to forgive the whole world so you can embody your true essence and power to re-create and co-create. Be willing to transform and you will be an agent of change in any moment on any day. It’s the illusions falling away that are generating the fear and wreaking havoc, but illusions are not sustainable. As we evolve through this collapse and beyond this destruction, we’re either feeding it or helping to re-create from our oneness. That’s the choice we’re all facing now and, despite the appearances, the possibilities are endless.

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A Very Personal Love Letter To My Clients

My Dear Clients,

You are the most special people in my life and I consider you family. For over thirty-three years you have given me the chance to follow my calling and cultivate a unique practice in healing and spiritual counseling.

It began with card readings, which were introduced to me when I was in my hometown Milwaukee, Wisconsin to be with my dying mother who was on hospice. There was one metaphysical store in the entire city at the time, and I drove there in a stupor of exhaustion and sat with a chain-smoking shop owner who used Medicine Cards to give me a reading.

A lifelong passion of indigenous cultures led me to a man in Burbank, California who taught traditional practices and brought in Native Americans willing to teach those outside the culture. For seven years I attended weekly ceremonies and gatherings and led Medicine Walks at night in Topanga Canyon.

Hearing a radio commercial one day pose the question, “Would you like to be a midwife for the dying?”, inspired me to become a hospice volunteer for five years.

Upon receiving a crystal healing and inquiring where the practitioner was trained, I traveled to Taos, New Mexico for several years to attain advanced certification in crystal healing.

Working as a barista in Utah, my flyers were spotted by the Red Mountain Resort and I was invited to do Halloween readings, which turned into a full-time job as their resident Spiritualist and initiated a decades-long career working with premier resorts.

Through it all, you were there. When I could no longer have one foot in both worlds and ended my career as an executive assistant, you bought my gourd art and leather bags as I learned to charge for my work at a time when I was judged for accepting money for spiritual service. Yes, that used to be a thing!

You allowed me the chance to practice what I was learning. From crystal healings to card readings, countless ceremonies (many around a fire in a stone circle I built in the Utah desert), lectures, house clearings, doing readings at metaphysical stores and parties, and even performing wedding ceremonies, you were there. From a novice to becoming a seasoned professional, it is you who are responsible for my growth and accomplishments.

I live as a Shaman, studying and using the wisdom gained from journeying through the dark trials and traumas of life, to help others. It can be a lonely path, yet you provide the deepest intimacy of connection. You open your hearts and share your emotions, trusting me with your vulnerabilities. You allow me to see your incredible beauty and your soul’s light. Every session I have with you teaches me more.

A woman of modest means, many of you have been there for me when my own vulnerabilities led me to ask for help. You have seen me through the lean times, health challenges like cancer, environmental disasters that prevented me from working, inflation, and countless economic challenges.

Your generosity in so many ways, fills me with endless gratitude, every single day. You show me the best in humanity, and enable me to be my highest self. The gift of loving you unconditionally, gifts me with the unconditional love I never had.

Whether you’ve seen me only once or many times, from the bottom of my heart and the depth of my soul, thank you for working with me and for helping to create connection that blesses the world. You have imprinted my soul and are forever in my heart.

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Eclipse Season, and the Changes We Are Going Through

A New Moon solar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday, April 19th, signals another momentous period of change is at hand. Since eclipses always come about two weeks apart, the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, assures us that deep feelings will surface, offering a chance to sort things out.

Through this period, there is an emphasis on choosing what we’re finished with (or perhaps experiencing sudden news of endings that are out of our control), and setting clear intentions for new ways we want to create, be and live.

We’re already in the midst of so much change that this can feel overwhelming. The past may arise in ways that are emotionally challenging. Last night I had dreams of places I used to live and relationships that ended long ago. Old patterns of wounding can surface, magnifying our personal struggles. With Scorpio involved, there is no question an exploration of the depths of our human experience will occur. But Scorpio is also the astrological sign that holds the greatest potential for transcendence and that is where we can focus and direct our energy.

As an intuitive channel and empath who is passionately invested in how we evolve, I do pay attention to local and world events. I relate to all life as One, so it is impossible not to feel grief and despair watching the old paradigms of separatism and dominion fighting it out at the cost of our very lives, or have days when it’s all just too much. I’ve learned to accept taking naps, the inability to accomplish anything, and most importantly… myself as I am. In doing so, the momentum to continue and overcome always resumes.

We are all meant to be part of this evolution and are empowered far more than we realize. We’re being stripped of the illusions of safety and “normalcy” to shatter our conditioning so we can re-create based on what we know in our hearts and souls about respect for all life and our infinite potential to love. If we feel powerless to be effective collectively, we can focus on being effective in our personal lives. We can become clearer about our priorities and shapeshift our lives by making new choices.

This eclipse period can help catapult us in the direction we want to go if we flow with it, creating changes that serve us and working with the changes that appear. Fearlessly reflect on what arises for you. Process what you are going through with nurturing and deep compassion. Command your capability to let go and to create anew. Plant the seeds of your ideas. Have faith and patience, and summon your soul so you can trust and realize your innate ability to soar.

Total Solar Eclipse Picture of a total solar eclipse combined with stars and some clouds. Prefectly usable for all media coverage concerning solar eclipses or astronomy in general. solar eclipse stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

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Touching Death

Something happened to me today. During one of my regular spinal procedures, I experienced aspiration/regurgitation, vomiting while under anesthesia, which can lead to death. When I first became conscious, I was laying on my back with a team of doctors around me, telling me to breathe. But my body was totally paralyzed, and there was no air to be had. I was literally suffocating.

I wanted to open my eyes so they could see my panic, reach out to grab someone’s arm, scream that I could not breathe, but all of that was utterly impossible. At some point, I found some movement in my legs and began wildly kicking to signal them. Someone was squeezing a plastic object over my face and I could feel air being forced through my mouth.

I believe I went out again, though, unable to take in breath on my own, and at one point in the alarming inability to take in air, I felt my head fall to the side of the table and heard my consciousness say, “Well, this is it.” I knew the feeling of someone dying. I had felt the struggle of my body fighting with everything possible within in it, to live, until there was nothing left. It didn’t feel like I was doing that, it felt purely like the biological impetus to live, in action. Which might sound strange coming from a spiritualist.

I do remember when the anesthesia was being administered at the beginning of the procedure, asking my angels to be with me. You can’t make sense or understand an experience like this until more time passes.

But I want to bring up the reaction I involuntarily had, which most humans do, once I had been restored; a reaction generated purely by fear and an effort to cope. I began looking for fault. Something went horribly wrong and it must be someone’s fault. I had done everything the same as every other time, in preparing for the surgery. My regular anesthesiologist wasn’t there, nor was the doctor who usually works on me. This shouldn’t have happened and someone had to have done something wrong.

But after reading up on what happened, I realized it was highly probable it wasn’t anyone’s fault. It occurred halfway through the procedure, even though I stopped eating the night before well before midnight, I had had a very late dinner and hadn’t been digesting things well, and acid reflux could have played a part.

At home, on the very same night of my recovery, I was able to let the misguided quest to find fault go. Instead, I felt relief for the illumination and was appropriately/extraordinarily grateful for the excellent team of doctors and nurses that saved me. Everything in me calmed down, my mind cleared and my heart opened – to myself in compassion for the traumatic experience, and to all the support that was present for me, both seen and unseen.

When things don’t go our way, when there is tragedy, betrayal, loss, bad news, death, or any number of awful life events, we are so conditioned to blame, fault, point fingers, attack, and be suspicious of others. It’s one thing to seek justice and have people take accountability, but I’m speaking to the part of our minds that immediately grasps in pain for false relief. Our heightened polarization and collective fear makes it all the more easy to go there.

But we are consciousness. And when we give our consciousness some space to reveal truth and guidance, it does. Its very nature leads us out of the darkness and into the light of clarity, wisdom, unity, connection, love, and trust.

That is a different path forward.

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New Beginnings, Spring Equinox

The New Moon in Aries on March 21st, along with the Spring Equinox March 20th, is bringing a significant shift of energy for stimulating new beginnings and increasing the momentum for forward movement. Yay!!

Though I’ve been loving every moment of the unusual amounts of rain we’ve had in California and the inward pull of colder winter weather, I clearly recognize the benefits of having dealt with the issues that surfaced during this time, as I observe resolution beginning to emerge.

I think this is a universal truth, as we’ve all been facing harder truths or difficulties. Now, there are new shades of light softly illuminating the path ahead. It may take longer to shed light upon the global darkness, but we can experience greater headway personally, and that is a contribution in itself.

In the start of this shift, it’s important to reflect on the cycle you’ve come through and acknowledge yourself for the faith, courage, endurance, and growth you’ve realized. Equinox traditionally involves ritual and ceremony, and it’s a great way to mark the crossroads of change we are all embarking on. Creating an altar, simply lighting a candle for yourself, writing your intentions, or offering your gratitude to Mother Earth and Spirit, are all acts that invoke greater assistance and connection.

Equnox is an honoring time of Mother Earth and our connection with Her. When I studied with Native Americans for many years, I was often told: “The Earth is your true Mother, go to Her”. Through the years, I’ve come to understand the depth of that wisdom. We are her children and she is always there for us to reflect the true nature of life and our inter-connectedness. She shows us birth, death, regeneration, and the cycles of life. I’ve learned to shed my tears on her, say my prayers to the sky as I sit upon her, and always, always give thanks for the beauty of our magnificent Earth home.

If you’d like to come to a sacred earth place for an in-person spiritual session with me at the Ojai Valley Inn (, I’m regularly there on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

May you be blessed this Spring with new energy, opportunities, creations, blessings, inspirations, and great abundance of love and support.

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Welcome, 2023!

Looking at the numerology of 2023, I took a massively deep breath that landed in the bottom of my lungs and rested in numbing relief. The numerology of 2022 featured extreme emotionality that affected plans and created delays, at the very least. The events in our lives and world spawned emotions that stopped many of us in our tracks, posing great difficulty in moving forward, and triggering wounds of the heart.

Personally, I began 2022 with two spinal surgeries and ended the year with a fall that resulted in a sprained ankle and bruises from toe to hip. In the interim, I was forced to move for the third time in three years and along with taking months off to recover from surgery, my resort work died down to almost nothing. I most definitely experienced extreme emotionality and went into deep reflection from past lives to present.

Growth comes through all experience, but I’m happy to see some elements in the numerology of 2023, a seven year, that can lift us higher and see us through. As I reported to Fodor’s Travel in their request of my 2023 prediction (in a few sentences):

Though 2023 holds much of the same in terms of continued fluctuation, upheaval and uncertainty, there will also be increased frequencies of light and energy transmissions, unexpected downloads of inspiration and creative solutions, and sudden openings for transcendence and healing.  If we continue to choose the high road, express love and compassion generously, and keep our intentions clear, we can be supported and lifted beyond our wildest dreams.

Seven is a spiritual number. For many years I enjoyed having sevens in every home address, my favorite being “777 Cactus Gulch Ct.”. It speaks to the heightened energies mentioned above, and with focus of intention, we can be a clear channel for the quantum field, higher consciousness, and manifest as co-creators with the divine.

When life hits us with personal challenges, it can be more difficult to access these higher perspectives, let alone sustain them. After spending 2022 working with this challenge, I learned a few incredible things. No matter what state I was in, when I showed up to do spiritual counseling, praying to be sourced what I needed to be a clear channel for the highest possibilities of the encounter, I was able. My training, commitment, intention, integrity, and connection to Spirit yielded results, despite any frailty.

I also learned to remain compassionate, tender, and loving with myself through states of dis-ease, loss, and grief. To forgive easily, pray, and ask for help even when those I asked couldn’t be there. I learned to reassess priorities every single day given my limitations, and simply get the top things done. As a Virgo, I gave up perfectionism, left the bed unmade or the house in disarray until I had the momentum to address it. I let my office work pile up and took care of it as I could. The important things got done, and I functioned through it all, with greater acceptance of my vulnerability.

I honored my emotions by expressing them, journaling, or sometimes calling on a special friend (hi, Julie!); the rare capable friend who knows how to listen, makes time for you, is patient and asks the questions that let you know they are truly interested in what you’re going through, recognizes your needs and gives what truly helps, reaches out to check in on you and lets you know they love you all the time. Not easy to find, frankly. To have just one person like that is an unspeakable blessing. If you have more, bow in gratitude right now.

We’ve all faced and endured these hardships for the past few years, and we’ve cultivated great wisdom and inner strength. Now, in the seven year of 2023, we can be instruments for higher consciousness and manifestation. The journey of this year is up to us and if we seek higher ground in our minds and hearts, we will be met with greater response, assistance, and upliftment. The more creative we are in weaving a new design of our lives and boldly daring to love past our boundaries of “safety”, the further we will go in participation with the transformative energies birthing on this planet now.

Beautiful blessings to you this year, my friend. We have learned and grown so much, and now we can express ourselves from that wisdom and create wondrous new relationships, opportunities, and ideas that enable transcendence. I love you.

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You’re Not Crazy

Ok, weird title, but this goes out to all my conscious, loving friends and people who are doubting, judging, or faulting themselves. If no one gets you, things are not going as you’d planned, dreams are not panning out, and/or basic needs are not being met, you are not crazy and it’s not your fault.

We are in a powerful time of endings in so many ways, with unexpected change a constant, and there is very little to hold on to, let alone control. Learning to trust in the midst of such uncertainty, and overcome the reactive impulse to grasp in desperation, can be understandably daunting. There is an option we can strive for, however: to manage ourselves and our lives with compassionate flexibility while we maintain clear intention, as we let go of the rest and allow the greater cosmic currents to carry us forward into new experience and expression.

These days, it can take supreme concentration to focus on belief beyond our fears and envision a better scenario than the one we are experiencing. It’s far easier to give in to embedded patterns than to create new ones. And let’s talk about grief. The relentless acceleration of loss from all directions leaves little time to even process the grief we feel. Loved ones die, illness appears, jobs and relationships end, and world events reflect the massive level of change and literal death that is occurring. There are countless ways we are being pushed to face what is ending in our lives.

This is not the only side of the picture, however, rebirth is occurring and awaits, and many are already progressing with greater ease and joy. For all of us, the direction is the same: we are collectively moving toward higher consciousness, love, and unity where the possibilities for harmony and creative solutions are exponentially greater. The time it will take is unknown, but we CAN be empowered in our challenges to chart the course forward through our growth.

My life and work are dedicated to this. I know what it takes to endure, transform, and soar beyond old constructs. It takes help, and when we help each other in any situation, all are lifted. In spiritual counseling sessions, each time I work with a client, I am equally blessed by the experience. It’s not just the income received to support my material needs (though I am unceasingly grateful for that), the frequency we create together inspires transcendence for both of us. The time we share in that space of unconditional love and support, is a gift the world receives because we exist in Oneness.

Any moment spent in gratitude, faith, love, kindness, compassion, self reflection, meditation, prayer, joy, or forgiveness, makes a difference. If you are in despair and you pause to connect to any one of these, you correct your course. And when we share these higher frequencies in connection with another, a greater energy of expansion is transmitted to benefit all.

Unfortunately, we have become conditioned in our culture, to expect instantaneous results. Generally, we are highly addicted and impatient. Only immediate and visible results tend to inspire our trust and commitment, so the pitfalls of disappointment and despair are an easy lure. With great compassion for all, we must employ our deeper vision and faith, now more than ever, and demonstrate our beliefs through our interactions and service.

Our souls are called in different ways. Some are leaving, and some are leading us through the tunnel of death to rebirth, as we remain. There is no right or wrong, and no one should be judged, for these times are not easy for any of us. Take time to look inward and listen to the guidance of your innate wisdom, it is there. Take the time to connect with Mother Earth and Spirit and ask for what you need, you are heard. And if you are blessed to be thriving, share with those who are not, in some way, to be the miracle of love for someone else. We are all part of the same, beautiful circle of life.

There is always light, there is always hope, there is always a way, and we are never alone. We are creating a new Earth in the midst of the death of the old archetypes and it as wondrous and violent as Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano erupting and all the great Earth changes we are living through together. It is a terrifying and incredible time to be alive, so summon your light when darkness falls, and shine for all to see, that we have greater courage because of your reflection. Namaste.

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The Difference Kindness Makes

In the midst of colossal change and loss on a collective level, it’s understandable to have occasional feelings of helplessness. We are being pushed hard to quickly adapt, thoroughly let go, and create new solutions to historic problems. The pressure is on.

Most of us have learned the foundation block of self-care through the increasing energies, implementing stronger boundaries, accepting more gracefully what (and whom) is departing, and allowing for the time needed to gain clarity and make deeper connections with our souls and source. We’ve learned to increase compassion for ourselves and others.

As we go forward in our personal commitments and service, one of the greatest contributions we can make are generous and frequent acts of kindness. We may not know how another is doing, but we can be sure everyone is challenged in some way. We can recognize collective tension, fear, and strain and its impact on humanity.

An act of kindness is a catalyst for transcendence. The simplest act of recognition of another can be the demonstration that gives them enough hope to keep going, heals the wound of neglect or confirms a needed response that increases faith. It offers a reflection of our inherent nature and conscious awareness of our interconnectedness, which is a powerful reconnect to the greater truth of our capability.

A genuine act of kindness can include material offerings, but does not require them. It can take only a moment, or last the length of time it takes to listen actively. When you feel compelled to want to do more but cannot see how, look to others for how many acts of kindness you can offer in the day. There will be plenty of opportunities, and every act of kindness weaves a stronger connectivity that strengthens the whole. What benefits another, will also feed your soul, ease your mind, and fill your heart.

And don’t forget to include yourself in acts of kindness. Judgment, shame, and punishment are the old paradigm and we will grow exponentially with the fertilizer of kindness into the new paradigms created by greater compassion, kindness, and love.

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Becoming No-Body

At a time when we are inundated with distressing news and events, along with personal challenges that are pushing us to grow beyond old limitations and mental constructs, there is an important practice that allows us to release from attachment and embody the awareness of our inherent state of oneness and infinite potential.

It is the practice of taking your mind to the state of being no-body, no-thing, no-where, in no-time. When I was first introduced to this concept, I was a young woman in love and overly attached to someone who was constantly eluding me yet drawing me in. Always one to pull cards from spiritual guidance decks as a touchstone for higher direction, while in a particularly painful phase of separation and angst, I asked for guidance from the Osho Transformation Tarot deck.

At the time, I was not enlightened enough to accept the wisdom of the card I pulled. Quite the opposite, I became infuriated, because I was looking for validation of my worth and righteousness in the context of the judgment I held for my partner’s behaviors. It was the card of Recognition:

The longing of the mind is to be extraordinary. The ego thirsts and hungers for the recognition that you are somebody….and this is the miracle – when you accept your nobodiness, when you are just as ordinary as anybody else, when you don’t ask for any recognition, when you can exist as if you are not existing. To be absent is the miracle.

A nobody is not an ordinary phenomenon; it is one of the greatest experiences in life – that you are, and still you are not. That you are just pure existence with no name, with no address, with no boundaries…neither a sinner or a saint, neither inferior nor superior, just a silence.

Your somebodiness is so small. The more you are somebody, the smaller you are; the more you are nobody, the bigger. Be absolutely nobody, and you are one with the existence itself.

Decades later, what was inconceivable for me to accept, became my most welcome meditation. In order to practice better, I used to watch movies that showed an astronaut becoming untethered and dissolve into deep space, becoming smaller and smaller, Gravity was one. Rather than frighten me, I learned to feel the depth of peace into the surrender of infinity. Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditation, The Generous Present Moment, beautifully guides one into this state, as well.

The benefit of becoming No-Body, is that it is a profoundly powerful re-set. It diminishes the attachment (positive or negative) to the outer, and returns one to a state of inherent peace, acceptance, and connection, bringing forth perspective, ease, and supreme capability.

In sessions with clients, I often guide them to imagine their soul’s energy before they entered their mother’s womb. I remind them they didn’t know they had to grow a body and a brain and there was no concern. Within them and as part of Creation itself, all existed to support the creation of their human form. This is who they still are and will always be.

It’s easy to get lost in the trauma and drama of life and let our weary minds grasp hungrily at fears and impossibilities. If we let them, those thoughts become stories, and those stories become our personalities and pathologies. Pausing to interrupt those patterns and engage our nobodiness, reconnecting to our true state of oneness, can illuminate paths we would not otherwise see. It can rekindle hope and inspiration, sparking the limitless energy we have within to continue co-creating from infinite possibility. The more we do this, and the more that do this, the greater connection we will make with one another and the greater momentum we will have for transformation.

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